Inventory File
Inventory File
** Inventory updates multiple times a day. Due to how quickly inventory can change and sell, we do not guarantee 100% accuracy at the exact time you may download this file. Use the CSV format for an excel download and use the JSON URL for integrations. Please reach out if you need your own secure URL.
We at Remarkets value our customer's time and we understand that building larger orders can be time consuming when scrolling through a website product by product. We put together a way for you to download our inventory into a .CSV format so you can view things in excel as needed.
Couple this file with our quick order pad functionality for businesses, creating large orders or large quote requests can be extremely quick. Upload skus in bulk with the .csv upload feature or for smaller orders, paste skus one at a time and desired quantity.
Quick order pad functionality is only available to customers that have a Trade Professional Application status of "approved" and are logged into their account.